Contact Us

To keep up to date on what’s happening, be sure to check out our social media options:

ASCE General Email Listserv: for general announcements, opportunities, activities, and more. Let us know if you would like to advertise on the email list!

Concrete Canoe Email Listserv: for Concrete Canoe-related news. Has not been in use recently, but maybe in the future!

Google Calendar: if you’d like our events to appear in your schedule!

Facebook Page: Mostly used for event advertising and club-specific announcements.

CEVE Student GroupMe: If you are an undergraduate or graduate student and would like to be added to the CEVE student group chat, please contact one of the officers with your phone number and name.

ASCE Student Officers

All Rice ASCE officers are in the Civil and Environmental Engineering (CEVE) department at Rice University.  If you have any questions about ASCE, Concrete Canoe or Civil Engineering as a major, please feel free to email any of us individually or at our collective board email ( Our mailing address can also be found at the bottom of the page.

Rice ASCE Mailing Address

Dept. of Civil & Environmental Engineering
Rice University
6100 Main St., MS-318
Houston, TX 77005