Note: Update In Progress (September 2024)
Important Forms
- The ASCE Concrete Canoe Competition provides students a unique opportunity to gain hands-on practical experience while testing their skills with concrete mix designs and project management challenges.
- The first ASCE Concrete Canoe Competition was held in 1988, but the history of Concrete Canoe goes back to the 1960s, when a small number of ASCE Student Chapters began holding intramural concrete canoe races.
- This elite competition combining engineering excellence, hydrodynamic design, and racing technique is known as the “America’s Cup of Civil Engineering.”
Problem Statement
- Construct a prototype canoe and product display that educates the committee, judges, and the public user about the canoe’s design, materials chosen, fabrication process, and durability to withstand use in America’s waterways.
- Deliver a technical presentation to address questions about their team, design, process, and materials chosen.
- Prepare a project proposal detailing the technical aspect of their submission and the value it brings the client, C4, and ultimately the consumer.
- Participate in a series of race demonstrations consisting of 200- and 400-meter sprints with 180-degree hairpin turns and a 200-meter slalom course to prove performance.
- Provide civil engineering students with hands-on experience and leadership skills in concrete mix design and
project management. - Highlight the versatility and durability of concrete as a construction material.
- Promote concrete technology and its applications to students, educators, and the industry.
- Raise awareness of ASCE’s and national sponsors’ commitment to civil engineering education.
- Showcase civil engineering as a vital and innovative profession to industry leaders and the public.
- Encourage lifelong ASCE membership among students, professionals, and faculty.
Rice Team
- General Interest Form Release: TBD
- Team Leads Interest Form Release: TBD
- General Interest Meeting: TBD
- Team Leads Chosen and Team Formations: TBD
- Paper Competition (Eligibility Requirement)
- Workstation: Ryon Lab Basement
- Meeting Room: Ryon Lab TBD
Meeting Times
- Wednesdays, _ PM
- When: March 6-8
- Where: Tarleton State University
Guidelines & Expectations
- Teamwork
- Communication
- Respect
ASCE Student Symposium Paper Competition (Eligibility Requirement)
- Participation is required to advance to any other Society-wide competition finals.
- In order to meet eligibility requirements, the paper must be submitted and presented.
- This topic is the same topic as the Daniel W. Mead Prize for Students, or any meaningful presentation on a technical subject relating to the practice of civil engineering. Please note that the Daniel W. Mead Paper Competition is separate from the Student Symposium Paper Competition and must be submitted separately. The ASCE Region 6 Student Symposium Paper
Competition paper is due by 11:59 PM CST on March 7, 2024. - Deadline: 11:59 PM CST on March 1, 2025
- Awards:
- Up to 5 winners will be chosen.
- First place will receive a plaque.
- Other winners will receive certificates.
- Up to 5 winners will be chosen.
Topic: Daniel W. Mead Prize for Students
- Consider the Francis Scott Key Bridge Collapse in Maryland, the Interstate 95 Collapse in Pennsylvania, or other infrastructure disasters. Civil engineers are responsible for planning, designing, constructing, maintaining, and operating infrastructure while protecting and advancing the health, safety, and welfare of the public. Following large infrastructure disasters, civil engineers are often placed in the public spotlight to respond and assess the cause of the disaster and how to prevent future similar events.
- Considering ethics, what role do civil engineers play in the prevention and response to an infrastructure disaster? Should an infrastructure disaster rouse civil engineers globally to advocate for more resilient protections for built infrastructure from climate-driven and/or man-made disasters?
- Nomination
- To nominate, a completed submission will consist of a single .pdf file containing:
- Cover letter, from the Faculty Advisor stating the name, ASCE/AEI member ID number, mailing address, phone number, and e-mail address for the paper’s author.
- The paper being submitted.
- To nominate, a completed submission will consist of a single .pdf file containing:
- Entries for the contest shall be limited to 1 paper from each ASCE or AEI Student Organization and must be submitted through the Faculty Advisor.
- Papers for the national contests shall (a) be limited to 1 paper from each Student Organization; (b) not exceed 2,000 words in length; (c) be written by only 1 person; and (d) not have previously been published in other school or Society publications.
- Citation:
- Submissions should be sent to and must be received on or before 11:59 pm (EST) March 1.
Team Google Drive
*Note: you must register to access the Google Drive. Email for registration
Past Reports
- Rice’s CEVE Department: TBA